Shows, tours, and the debut EP

Posted By on January 28, 2013 in News | 0 comments

How’s it going, guys? I’ve been mean­ing to write for some time but I’ve had the usu­al excus­es to avoid it. At this point there’s enough news that it would be a shame for me not to write something.


There’s a new page for live shows that has our upcom­ing sched­ule as well as maps to loca­tions. Check it out!


We’re work­ing on book­ing a spring tour right now. Dates will range from March 21st through the 31st and we’re hop­ing to hit west coast cities between Seat­tle and San Diego. Keep an eye on the above men­tioned show sched­ule, or sign up for our newslet­ter (zero spam pol­i­cy!) for more info.

The EP and the EP release party

After hir­ing a pub­li­cist and meet­ing with sev­er­al indus­try heads includ­ing the good lads at Last Stop Book­ing, we’ve been advised to wait to release the EP until our CD release par­ty at Star The­ater on March 9th. Although those of you on the mail­ing list should keep an eye out for sneak pre­views and free downloads! 😉

Well, I think that’s about all for now. Until we fin­ish up the mix­es and album art every­thing else is kind of on hold. We have to get the music into the hands of our pub­li­cist ASAP so we can begin the process of push­ing the record. As this is the first band I’ve front­ed, I can’t say I’ve ever been quite as excit­ed about a band’s poten­tial kinet­ic ener­gy.. The future is look­ing bright!

3, m