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SiHH - CD Front cover     hoodie front     hoodie back

女の子 (onnanoko) lim­it­ed edi­tion ver­sion of the album, plus the hood­ie with Splin­tered logos in front and back. It’s seri­ous­ly my favorite hood­ie, for what­ev­er that’s worth… Super com­fort­able and durable.

Offi­cial release date is March 9th. CDs will be shipped the same week. This is a pro­duc­tion qual­ity CD, not a CD‑R.

Track List­ing:

1) Madon­na
2) Cry Like You Mean It
3) The Best Things in Life
4) The Hard­er I Try, The More I Fail
5) Tigers and Cheerios


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